As such, I was asked by our local District Referee Coordinator to put together a presentation for our local referees to give them a better grasp on what kinds of things are required by disciplinary committees for the purposes of ensuring appropriate measures can be taken.
I put together a PowerPoint presentation that fills about thirty minutes of presentation time and there is also an associated mini-brochure that can be printed (two-sided, fold on short edge) and then tri-folded in order to carry about for a quick reference form when figuring out what kind of reports need to be filled in.
The PowerPoint pages contain detailed notes on each slide indicating what the actual spoken words accompanying each slide would entail, with indications as to when each animation comes into play on each slide.
This video is linked separately from the presentation.
- Presentation (PPTX - 460k)
- Video for Presentation (MP4 - 19MB)
- Brochure (PDF - 250k)